Thursday, March 24, 2016

Tasting - "Georges Duboeuf Beaujolais Nouveau 2015"

Name - Georges Duboeuf Beaujolais Nouveau 2015
Variety - Nouveau
Region - Beaujolais
Country - France
Year - 2015
Price - $12.00, Sale - $5.95

Wine Store Review - Vintage Cellar
George Duboeuf is THE king of Beaujolais. His wines are full of pop, charm and great flavor and his Beaujolais Nouveau is no exception. A cornucopia of expressive fruit wrapped in an almost-bubblegum-like frame; it is the flagship Nouveau.

My Review -  This wine smelled like a block of Parmesan cheese immediately to me. It had scents of a smokey cigar boxy and darker fruits like black cherries and raspberries. It tasted like a fig or dark fruit jam, blackberries, on a piece of burnt toast. It definitely wasn't my favorite flavor and didn't have a very good finish. I did not try this wine with food.

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